Knee, Foot & Ankle Pain

My joints are like old internet browsers; they take forever to ‘load’ in the morning!

What is Knee, Foot & Ankle pain?

Perhaps your knees have you treating every staircase like it’s Mount Everest, or you feel like your ankles are introducing ‘character building wobbles’ to compensate for the discomfort. Maybe your foot pain has gotten to the point where you are convinced your shoes are plotting against you?

Do you recall the childhood song that goes, ‘…the hip bone’s connected to the knee bone…’ and so on? Well, the sentiment is not entirely without merit. Whether it’s your knee, foot, or ankle that’s bothering you, these are all interconnected structures within what’s known as a biomechanical chain. Therefore, our initial step (pun intended!) when you consult us about lower limb issues is to determine precisely which structure or structures in that chain are affected. It may seem obvious, but once the source of the problem is identified, understanding how to alleviate your symptoms becomes much simpler. It becomes easier to work out what might make the issue worse, making managing the issue less frustrating.

Knee pain scaled
foot and ankle pain

What we will do next is collaborate with you to select the most effective combination of treatment approaches for your specific situation. From this we will not only develop your bespoke treatment plan, but also ensure that we are the right match for your needs. If we’re not, rest assured, we will be the first to address it. We will also help you in finding an alternative if you wish— this also includes referring you for any specialist tests or imaging studies.

We offer clear, practical, advice and treatment for various lower limb aches and pains, so if this is what you’ve been looking for, we are just a click or a call away.

The Chiropractic Studio 15-Minute Pledge

Your time is precious, and we respect that. Therefore, in the unlikely event that we are delayed by over 15 minutes from your scheduled appointment time, the service is on us. No fuss, no paperwork— absolutely free!

Still Not Sure?

We understand that it can be a bit of a challenge determining which therapy will work best for you. That’s why we offer our complimentary 20-minute Discovery Consultations. Come and talk to us— we’ll explore your situation, listen to your concerns, and provide guidance on the next steps to take.

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